Interested in working on the team? Take a look at our current openings:
1. Assistant Specialist – Sierra Nevada Research Institute
Position title: CECS Stakeholder Engagement Specialist
Open date: August 9th, 2021
Next review date: Monday, Sep 6, 2021 at 11:59pm (Pacific Time)
Apply by this date to ensure full consideration by the committee.
Final date: Tuesday, Nov 30, 2021 at 11:59pm (Pacific Time)
Applications will continue to be accepted until this date, but those received after the review date will only be considered if the position has not yet been filled.
This position is part of the Center for Ecosystem Climate Solutions (CECS) ( and will work collaboratively with the Sierra Nevada Research Institute. CECS is based out of UC Irvine and also includes faculty and academics from UC Merced, UC Davis, UC ANR, UC Berkeley, Stanford and San Diego State University. CECS’ mission is to develop open-source, statewide datasets and geospatial tools to support land management decision-making. CECS is building scientifically rigorous data products that document California’s current and recent ecosystem conditions; assess ecosystem vulnerabilities; and evaluate the effects of management options on water, vegetation health, fuels and carbon stocks.
The engagement specialist will communicate with and continue to develop a stakeholder network, organize and facilitate stakeholder workshops and decision support tool demonstrations/ feedback sessions, assist with scheduling and conducting interviews, transcribing, sharing project results and reporting, maintain a strong online presence to communicate findings, and document and share CECS’s suite of tools. The specialist will lead efforts to synthesize and document existing information into various forms of written communications including newsletters, blog posts, white papers and detailed user guides to be shared with stakeholders. The specialist will lead efforts to synthesize existing data into white papers that describe policy issues surrounding healthy forests and extension publications focusing on management practices ( e.g . thinning , grazing , prescribed fire) that promote stable carbon stocks, healthy forests, water sustainability and reduced wildfire risk. The specialist will serve as a second point of contact for the project’s undergraduate intern program, consisting of students working in labs and participating in science communication activities. The specialist will provide oversight and work to promote a degree of cohesiveness to the program through regular communication with the students and feedback on science communication work products. This is a full-time position and will be hired through UC Merced, but the physical location of the position is up for discussion. May require limited travel in California to represent CECS.
• Knowledge of western US sustainability issues, including wildland and/or forest management.
• Evidence of strong written and oral communication skills.
• Experience with emerging scientific communication strategies such as social media, blogs, short videos and other web-based communications.
• Ability to produce science-based scholarly products.
• Experience coordinating and facilitating workshops, focus groups, or other events.
• Energy and enthusiasm to contribute to a large multi-institutional applied research effort.
Curriculum Vitae – Your most recently updated C.V. -
Cover Letter -
Statement of Research
- 3-5 required (contact information only)
Apply link: